Espace presse Ofi Invest

Press Room

About Ofi Invest

With 203.3 billion euros in assets under management as of the end of June 2024(1), Ofi Invest is now the fifth-largest French asset management group(2).
Ofi Invest has nearly 700 employees committed to serving institutional investors and able to call on distribution networks and partners in France and internationally.
The group encompasses all listed and non-listed assets under management, and real-estate asset management, buoyed by strong brands.
Our value proposition lies in understanding and anticipating investors’ needs in a transitioning world, by offering high-performance, useful and responsible solutions to benefit an economy that we strive to make more virtuous.
Ofi Invest, a new dimension for the future.

(1) Source: Ofi Invest as of end-June 2024 - Employees as 07/01/2024 including Egamo
(2) Source: financial communications of the entities concerned, as of 12/31/2023

Ofi Invest, an Aéma Groupe brand
Aéma Groupe is the mutualist protection group born of the regrouping of AÉSIO mutuelle and Macif. With the acquisition of Abeille Assurances in 2021, followed by the creation of Ofi Invest in 2022, Aéma Groupe is now France’s fourth-largest insurance company, with revenues of 16 billion euros in 2022. Its more than 20,000 employees and 1800 delegates work on a daily basis to support and protect more than 11 million insured persons. Aéma Groupe is multi-brand, multinetwork and multi-business line group covering all protection needs, including property & casualty insurance, healthcare/protection, retirement savings and asset management).
Mutualist at heart and activist by conviction, Aéma Groupe aims to provide enlightened, constructive and human responses to the major challenges of protection related to the current transitions. In continuing to build a first-tier mutualist company, it has created an unprecedented, hybrid and open model able to provide fairer solutions that better fit the world of today and tomorrow.

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About Ofi Invest Asset Management

Ofi Invest Asset Management is a company of Ofi Invest group, which in turn, is a member of Aéma Groupe (Macif, Abeille Assurances and AÉSIO mutuelle).
Ofi Invest Asset Management has 180.8 billion euros in assets at the end of June 2024(1) and nearly 400 employees, serving institutional and individual investors served by networks and distribution partners, in France and abroad.
Very attached to its convictions as a responsible and committed investor, Ofi Invest Asset Management offers a wide choice of responsible investment strategies in order to enable its clients to finance the development of a virtuous economy that is a source of opportunities and performance.
By bringing together the capabilities of Ofi Invest group’s asset management companies (the fifth-largest French asset manager(2)), Ofi Invest Asset Management provides access to a broad range of investment, extensive experience in bespoke asset management, and services adapted to various investor types.
Investing in companies that create sustainable value for everyone - that’s one way to give the future a new dimension.

(1) Source: Ofi Invest Asset Management as of end-June 2024 - Employees as 07/01/2024 including Egamo
(2) Source: financial communications of the entities concerned, as of 12/31/2023
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About Ofi Invest Real Estate

Ofi Invest Real Estate is the real estate arm of Ofi Invest. With 203,3 billion euros under management at end of June 2024(1), Ofi Invest is France’s fifth-largest asset management group(2).
Ofi Invest Real Estate covers the entire real estate management value chain – fund management, investment, real estate project developments, asset and property management – to offer solutions that meet and satisfy the needs of each of its clients, through its two separate entities(3).
Ofi Invest Real Estate manages total real estate assets of 10.8 billion euros as of June 3Oth 2024 located in 6 European countries(4).
The company embraces values of sustainability and the principles of SRI throughout its investment philosophy. Ofi Invest Real Estate conducts a thorough and pro-active upgrading policy on its property portfolio, ensuring that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria are factored into the decision-making process.
To learn more about Ofi Invest Real Estate, join us on LinkedIn or visit our website:

(1) Source: Ofi Invest as of 30/06/2024
(2) Source: financial reports published by the entities concerned as of 12/31/2023
(3) The Ofi Invest Real Estate arm includes two separate companies: Ofi Invest Real Estate SAS, dedicated to the management of real estate assets, and Ofi Invest Real Estate SGP, dedicated to the management of real estate funds.
(4) Source: Ofi Invest Real Estate as of 30/06/2024
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